How Lacteeze Works

Helping thousands of people enjoy dairy again

Lactose intolerance occurs when the body does not have enough lactase digestive enzymes to break down the lactose in dairy products during digestion.

Lacteeze tackles this problem in 3 ways:

  • Lacteeze tablets and caplets increase the levels of lactase enzymes in the digestive system.
  • Lacteeze Drops reduce the levels of lactose in milk and other liquid dairy products before consumption.
  • Lacteeze Infant Drops can be added to breast milk or formula to reduce the lactose content.

Lacteeze Tablets and Caplets

Taking Lacteeze immediately before consuming dairy temporarily increases the levels of lactase enzymes in the small intestine. Dairy can then be digested normally, eliminating the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

Lacteeze remains in the small intestine for about an hour in adults and approximately 45 minutes in children. If you want to continue to eat dairy after this time we recommended taking another dose of Lacteeze to “top up” your enzyme levels.

Lacteeze tablets and caplets come in 2 strengths:
• Lacteeze tablets – for mild to moderate lactose intolerance.
• Lacteeze Double Strength caplets – for moderate to severe lactose intolerance.

All our products are 100% natural and are free from drugs, artificial colours, artificial flavours and preservatives.

Lacteeze Drops

LACTEEZE DROPS work differently to our caplets and tablets. They are not taken orally but are added to liquid dairy products to convert the lactose into more easily digestible glucose and galactose milk sugars. This conversion process needs to take place before the dairy product is consumed.

Lacteeze Enzyme Drops can be used to make your own lactose-free products at home, such as lactose-free milk, yoghurt, cream, cheese – if it’s made using a milk base you can convert it!

One benefit of making your own lactose-free products is that you can decide how much lactose you want to convert. The more drops you add, or the longer you leave the mixture before consumption, the more lactose is converted.

Some people find store bought lactose free milk too sweet. This is because the enzymes are left to hydrolise whilst on supermarket shelves. The longer products are left to convert, the sweeter the final product is. With Lacteeze Drops you can choose the level of sweetness as you control how long you leave your dairy before consumption.

It is also cheaper to convert your own milk with Lacteeze Drops than to buy store-bought lactose-free milk.

Lacteeze Drops should not be taken orally as the pH of the drops will render them less effective as they travel through the stomach.

Lacteeze Infant Drops

Lacteeze Infant Drops are used to pre-treat babies’ feeds to reduce the lactose content. The drops are added to either breastmilk or formula and a conversion takes place to break down the lactose into simple glucose and galactose milk sugars which are more easily digested.

Lacteeze Infant Drops are suitable for breast and bottle feeding and have no flavourings, artificial colours or preservatives.

Studies show that 45% of babies medically diagnosed with colic have “colic associated with lactose intolerance. Colic symptoms can be significantly reduced by reducing the lactose content of babies feeds (breast milk or formula).

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