Colic Associated With Lactose Intolerance

Clinical trials show that 40% of babies medically diagnosed with colic suffer from “colic associated with lactose intolerance”. In these cases, the baby’s excessive crying and other colic symptoms are due to transient lactose intolerance, often caused by an immature digestive system. Reducing the levels of lactose in baby’s feeds, by choosing the right formula for colic babies, has been clinically proven to reduce the symptoms of colic in babies associated with lactose intolerance.

What is colic?

Colic is a condition that occurs in young babies who show significant periods of distress at predictable times of the day. In all other respects, the baby is well-fed and healthy, and no underlying cause has been found for the condition.

Colic is not a medical condition in itself, the term describes a set of symptoms. Paediatricians often use the “Rule of Three” to diagnose colic: “A baby that cries for three or more hours per day, at least three times a week, in the first three months of life.” About 25% of babies worldwide meet the official “Rule of Three” criteria for a medical diagnosis of colic.

Typical signs of colic associated with lactose intolerance in babies:

  • Lactose intolerance in newborns shows signs of excess gas or flatulence.
  • Another common symptom of colic is when the baby’s abdomen appears bloated and may seem hard.
  • Crying for long periods despite there being no obvious cause and despite attempts to console the baby. Crying may escalate to high-pitched screaming.
  • When crying, babies may show signs of stomach pain such as pulling their knees up to their chest, clenched fists, flailing arms and legs or an arched back.
  • Baby experiences frequent sleeplessness, irritability or fussiness.
  • Symptoms tend to occur around the same time each day, often in the afternoon or early evening and often after meal times.
  • Colic typically occurs between a few weeks of age and 3-4 months old.

Helping Baby with Lacteeze Infant Drops

Studies have shown up to 40% of babies medically diagnosed with colic actually suffer from transient lactose intolerance, hence the common term “colic associated with lactose intolerance”.

For babies with colic associated with lactose intolerance, pre-treating baby’s feeds with Lacteeze Infant Drops can significantly alleviate symptoms.

This is not to say that the babies do not suffer from colic, simply that for many the colic has an underlying cause – a shortage of lactase enzymes in the digestive system. Lacteeze Infant Drops are a type of baby colic medicine that can help in these cases.

Many of these babies can be helped by pre-treating baby’s feeds with lactase enzymes. Lacteeze Colic Drops for babies can be added to breast milk or infant formula to reduce the lactose content so the feeds are easier to digest, effectively creating a lactose intolerance baby formula

Studies show that on average this can reduce crying time in babies whose colic is associated with transient lactose intolerance by a staggering 45%!

As baby matures the levels of lactase enzymes produced by the body naturally increase, so by the time baby is 3-4 months old lactose intolerance (and hence colic symptoms) will often be improving. At this time baby can be slowly weaned off Lacteeze Infant Drops.

Lacteeze Infant Drops are a safe and natural approach to infant colic associated with lactose intolerance. They are drug free and do not contain preservatives, artificial colours or preservatives.

An important benefit of Lacteeze Infant Drops is that mums can continue to breastfeed even when the baby is lactose intolerant. The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby are substantial and well-documented.

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